Our Artiste of the Month feature commences in September, with O'Neil Peart (If y'all are good, i'll toss in a few extras on No-Maddz as well)
watch for it.
As one might expect, Oneil Peart well recalls his experience as a Rising Stars finalist
"To me, it wasn't so much about whether I won or went home, I was really grateful for the opportunity to give Jamaica a glimpse of my talent, that was my primary objective. And I was even more pleased with how the people responded." His song “Judge Dem”
produced by Shane Brown which was done for the compilation album with the other finalists has become quite popular with the teenagers and in the UK / Europe market.
That was only the beginning that alone will not be able to define him. WOW
The son of rural Jamaica admits to not coming under any direct musical influences while growing up (no one else in his immediate family had any notable musical abilities, or interests) and it was only upon entering Excelsior Community College that he began to gravitate toward music as a serious occupation. Thereafter, his innate abilities emerged, and while does acknowledge help in certain aspects; his musical acumen is largely self-taught.
On leaving EXED, he sought to gain wider exposure, and the Rising Stars competition came along at just the right juncture.
Now, Oneil Peart is ready to be judged on the merits of his own offerings, rather than merely singing along (his guitar notwithstanding) to the works of others.” I’m confident that I have something to say, and music is something that I'm involved in for the long term. I see myself as an artist, and as such, I intend to present my own music, with my own perspectives, to Jamaica and, in time, the world."
To this end, Oneil is balancing his current day job as a teacher, with making records and is moving toward making his presence felt on the music scene. And despite not having much of a physical presence since the competition, he's still being remembered and noticed by serious music connoisseurs. He was given the Prime Minister’s Award for Excellence in 2008 which is the perfect platform for a sure winner this year written by the Jamaica Observer.
His second single “Still Got the Blues” just released by Red Nile Music along with a spectacular sexy video to compliment the song.
And so, in comes a dedicated and substantial musical talent, at another interesting and opportune juncture in the music sphere. This time, it’s a permanent engagement.
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