Gawaine Campbell (top left) is a more than proficient student of the blues idiom as laid down by Stevie Ray Vaughn, B B King, Luther Allison and more. In the company of Fitzroy Bennett, Jerome Wiles and Ruel Miller at Red Bones on Friday night, he delivered a rousing, if slightly uneven set of blues standards that included a rollicking "Rock Me Baby" and a magisterial "Texas Flood" that ideally should have closed out the first set, but was sadly followed by a neo-soulish reading of "Ain't NoSunshine".
No matter. Just to see Campbell's atmospheric flights of fancy and hear his intense love for the music, whilst his bandmates strived to match, as reward enough. The mangoes on the tress skirting the Red Bones stage may need some more time, but as a bluesman - thus trodding a lonely road in Jamaica - Gawaine Campbell is maturing very nicely.
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