With "Hey You" Nickeisha Barnes grabs our attention - again
So, we know she can saaaaing. But former Rising Star finalist Nickeisha Barnes can throw down live too, as she reminded us on Thursday night's final pre-show for Pulse Caribbean Fashion Week 2013. The models having already strutted their stuff, NB took the runway in a blue-and-white ensemble (repping perhaps her alma mater) kicking off her spicy set with Adele's "One & Only"
But it was a new original, "Hey You" that reconfirmed for us that she is deserving of much wider recognition. Even in the largely informal confines of the Puls8 complex, with the models having already strutted their stuff, and emcee/Pulse head honcho Kingsley Cooper having vacated the raised platform, Barnes established that level of connection with the audience that only the select few quality artistes consistently do. And the song, a catchy yet subtle mid-tempo, came in like a breeze after the slow-burn of the Adele cover and the other pop numbers (JLo's Dont Bring Me Roses). Nickeisha has been steadily putting her all into the new material, which of course John Public will be more fully exposed to over the coming months.
Nickeisha will next be seen - and heard - at the Earthbound EcoMusic Fest at Gunboat Beach come June 22, where she will share billing with Hezron, Patra and fast-rising newcomer OC.
Nice! That's our girl ... go Nickeishia!