Clad in black, robustly contrasted by martial red high-tops, Riley brought a palpably fresh energy to his now familiar repertorire, and the audience was more than ready to receive him, both by voice and in person as he waded through the packed aisles, greeting, touching and singing.
His last tune in heavy rotation had the title "Where Were You" and singer Bijean Gayle answered in fine fashion, ably supported by a youthful and exuberant aggregation known as the High Point band. They delivered a new single "Ghetto Rock" (to be the lead-off on a soon-to-be-released album) and the imposing Gayle proved his showmanship by stepping off the stage ot pick out a young miss out of the front row as a song and dance partner.
Another up-and-comer, D-Medz was taking the crowd through the verses of his anthem. "Champion" on our departure, with lots more solid entertainment promised.
A welcome and worthy Christmas gift to the people.
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