Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Art: Majoring in the Majors at Mutual Gallery

MORE than 100 items — including the works of master artists Carl Abrahams, Osmond Watson, Albert Huie, Kapo, and Barrington Watson — go under the gavel on June 5 at the Mutual Gallery in Kingston.
Other artists whose works will be up for sale are Christopher Gonzalez, Hope Brooks, Cecil Cooper, Ras Dizzy, and Donette Zacca.

Gilou Bauer, curator at the Mutual Gallery, dismisses the notion that the auction is being held to clear stock not sold during an exhibition.

She notes that the majority of these pieces come from private collectors. Bauer adds that the auction is another in a series organised by the gallery.
She says some of the previous auctions have been successful, while others have not. This she attributes to timing and the market being targeted.
"We have been working closely with (auctioneer) William Tavares-Finson and have been guided by him in setting prices, as well as the pieces to be auctioned," says Bauer.
The works usually in high demand include those by Abrahams, Huie, Osmond, Barrington Watson, and Kapo. All have pieces in next Wednesday's auction, as well as those by younger talent.

-from the Jamaica Observer

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