Friday, July 5, 2013

Reggae Nite: Tanya Stephens' "Ride" and Sumfest Steps Out

Live entertainment has traditionally held down the weekend slots, especially in Kingston, but traditions are giving way in this "instant-eferything" media age. Tuesday night last proveda banner night, as there was a trio of quality live presentations within a half-mile radius on the night.

At the salubrious Macau Bar & Grill, itself home to the excellent Live & Revive series (held mondays, but presently on hiatus), the crew bwhind reggae Sumfest took their 21st Launch to members of the media and other interests. Mis Kitty kept the proceedings moving as the obligatory sponsors greetings and lineup announcements flowed, amid giveaways and photo-ops galore. Continuing its tradition of adding US r n' b and hip-hop to the local reggae/dancehall fare. Thus current r n b hearthrob (and stage diver) Miguel will bring his ditial-age funk n' soul to Mobay on the climactic International Nite 2; before that, the cleverly named Flo Rida charges into International Nite 1.

But the local reggae guard are no slouches and a couple of them took to the small stage on hand to deliver a satisfying preview of things to come. The fast-rising Nature showed a welcome intensity in his pleas for "World Peace" but it was Portland native Bugle who had the guests rocking to his cautioanry hit "nuh Compatible". All in all a typically robust outing for the Summerfest crew, indicating good things await the live stgae faithful come July 21 through 27.

A long stone's throw from Macau saw veteran (yes she is now) singer-songwriter-provocateur Tanya Stephens delivering a typically (if rarely heard these days ) stirring set as part of the Behind The Screen series at Usain Bolt's Tracks & Records. With the bodacious Stacious introducing her, Stevens, never shy with her opinions, rapped with the capacity crowd about all manner of subjects in between delivering her hits and near-misses, the majority female audience prominent (hostile in a few instances) with their devotion to "girl power, dancehall style".

Neither time nor energy co-operated for us to catch the third event, that of Tina Simone delivering her soul-jazz-rockers gems at the Bleu essence club tucked into the Kings Plaza - the show actually unfolds in the large car park. We're sure however that she gave a great account of herself and encourage you to look out for and follow her future endeavours. Find her on facebook -

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